Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Reflection log

Question: Discuss about theReflection log. Answer: Introduction: The present class helps me in realising the global issue of transportation that must be resolved, firstly to meet the transportation needs of the growing population; and secondly to address the global natural non-renewable energy crisis. The most interesting aspect of the class was the advancement of technology and its implementation in the transportation industry. I can significantly correlate this improvement with traditional transportation facility that was less efficient and had limited service facility to offer in transportation. Importantly, I still have the doubt that what will be the future of automobile industry especially to the supplier and repair division of this industry. The key reason is associated with the rapid emergence of disruptive technology that brings automation as well as the use of natural gas or another renewable source of energy. The most interesting illustration of the class was hydrogen fuel integration to the architecture of car and other transportation vehicle design. The advantage associated with this prospect include high efficiency and cost effectiveness. On the other hand, the risk related to high flammability of hydrogen gas and attachment of additional reactor is considered to be significant cons. Overall, the class teaching helped in realising the importance of technological evolution and its implementation in the robust designing of automobiles. The innovation in this direction is mainly requisite for managing the fuel effectiveness as well as to comply with the increasing demand of the population. In addition to this, it is also learned that automobile companies are precisely working in this area to include the technological evolution into the design process to manage competitiveness. The connection of this learning to a future course encourages to make use of hybrid design and to promote the mass transit using government funding and community planning. The reason is associated with increasing fuel efficiency, bringing technological implementation for advancement, and to manage the safety of community members.

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